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József Erdős:
Új színes magyar nyelvkönyv
Illustrated by Emese Csics
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Avicii: Hey, brother!
(text reconstruction - HU)


HUProjekt - Free online project for learners and teachers of Hungarian as a foreign language

HUProjekt The aim of our new HFL (Hungarian as a Foreign Language) project is to offer both learners and teachers of Hungarian as a foreign language a wide range of free online e-learning materials. First of all, we include several kinds of interactive tasks that - despite being plain and efficient - seem to be in shortage, and are scarcely accessible for free (or even for fee).

VideoVox-SzóKincsTár - Vocabulary extension with the aid of songs, poems, tales, stories, press articles, etc. with (or without) videos
Music videos (YouTube, etc.)
Poems with videos (YouTube, etc.)
Various illustrated texts
Press texts (with or without videos)
Szókincsbővítés, hallás utáni szövegértés, szövegépítés stb. különböző alterületeken. Két típusú gyakorlási lehetőség van: az "A" típusban előre kihagyott elemeket kell beírni (hagyományos "lyukas szöveg"/"gap fill" gyakorlat); a "B" típusban 1-től a teljes szószámig beállítható, hogy hány szó kerüljön véletlenszerűen kihagyásra, és az így kipontozott (csillagozott) elemeket kell visszaírni. Mindkét típusnál (egy listában hozzáadva a megfeleltetéseket) könnyen lexikai (vagy egyéb) súgó is hozzáadható.
ZSzK – Do-it-yourselfVSzK – Do-it-yourselfKSzK – Do-it-yourselfHSzK – Do-it-yourself
Do-it-yourself: VideoVox – SzóKincsTár
     Aki legalább minimális szinten tudja használni a Microsoft Word szövegszerkesztőjét (tehát kb. 10 éves kor fölött bárki, aki a Windows programot használja), pár kattintással elkészítheti saját maga, illetve mások (barátok, tanítványok stb.) számára a fenti szövegújraíró, -kiegészítő gyakorlatokat kedvenc számaihoz (DalSzóKincs B); kedvenc vagy megtanulandó verseihez (VersSzóKincs B); tankönyvszövegeihez, egyéb, képpel kísért szövegekhez, mesékhez stb. (KépSzóKincs B), illetve bármely - esetleg videóval is támogatott - sajtószöveghez, egyéb szöveghez (HírSzóKincs B). Nyelvtanárok stb. kis pluszmunkával a lexikai súgót is hozzáadhatják.
     A gyakorlatok elkészítéséhez szükséges wordsablonokat és a kész HTML-fájlok interaktív használatát biztosító JavaScript-fájlokat szabadon le lehet tölteni a fenti linkeken. Ugyanott további részletes információ található a használatukról.
Online vocabulary games: learning vocabulary by pictures (English, Spanish, Hungarian etc.)
Wordcastle: image builder Hol-mi: memory game Hop-hop: dice game Wordhunting: guessing the letters of words Wordmap: identifying the components of pictures Mosaic: scrambling the tiles of an image and restoring it
Videovox - MusicSoundVocab: Learning vocabulary through songs
Songs in English Songs in French Songs in Spanish Songs in Italian Songs in Russian Songs in Hungarian
Spanish (on-line)

ConjugArte en Línea
"ConjugArte en Línea"  gives all the  simple finite and non-finite forms of more than 12.000 Spanish verbs. If requested to conjugate a verb that is not included in its database, the program gives the possible forms on the basis of the formal points of reference offered by the infinitive. Compared to other on-line Spanish verb conjugators, it is a plus that it gives all the forms of the reflexive verbs.

Multitest Espanol
Multiple choice tests (focusing mainly on grammar, but partly on vocabulary, too). Learners are given sets of 20 sentences selected randomly from 300 items.

Interactive grammar exercises on sentence patterns (writing sentences on the basis of visual information). E.g.:

Delante de la casa hay un coche. / El coche está delante de la casa.

Vocabulary games
Presentation and written practice of vocabulary items belonging to various topics (house and home, food, drinks, fruits, professions, activities, animals, names of countries, in the street, etc.) with the help of pictures. E.g. dice game, memory game, hangman, etc.

Numeralia (the realm of numbers)
Presentation and written (and oral) practice of the numbers in Spanish: how to write them in words and in figures. Materials are to be added step by step; to begin with: cardinal numbers in the range between 1 and 10,.000,000,000. Later on: other type of numbers (ordinal numbers, fractions, etc.); measures; operations; time (date: years, months, days; hours, minutes, etc.).

French (on-line)
Vocabulary games
Presentation and written practice of vocabulary items belonging to various topics (house and home, food, drinks, fruits, professions, activities, animals, names of countries, in the street, etc.) with the help of pictures. E.g. dice game, memory game, hangman, etc.
Interactive grammar exercises on sentence patterns (writing sentences on the basis of visual information). E.g.:

Brigitte lave dans la salle de bain.

Conjugueur en ligne
"Conjugueur en ligne"  gives all the simple finite and non-finite forms of more than 6.000 French verbs. If requested to conjugate a verb that is not included in its database, the program gives the possible forms on the basis of the formal points of reference offered by the infinitive.
The practice interface (Exerciseur) offers the user an intensive interactive practice with all the simple verb forms.

Numeralia (the realm of numbers)  
Presentation and written (and oral) practice of the numbers in French: how to write them in words and in figures. Materials are to be added step by step; to begin with: cardinal numbers in the range between 1 and 10,000,.000,000. Later on: other type of numbers (ordinal numbers, fractions, etc.); measures; operations; time (date: years, months, days; hours, minutes, etc.).

Italian (on-line)
Vocabulary games
Presentation and written practice of vocabulary items belonging to various topics (house and home, food, drinks, fruits, professions, activities, animals, names of countries, in the street, etc.) with the help of pictures. E.g. dice game, memory game, hangman, etc.

Hungarian (on-line)
On-line interactive supplementary materials to the textbook "Halló, itt Magyarország!", which can be used independently too: texts, exercises, a multilingual word list, verb conjugator (all the finite forms of the verbs introduced in the book; presentation and practice), etc.
Exercises on morphology: verb forms (present tense, past tense, conditional, imperative); the plural of nouns and adjectives; the direct object; adverbial suffixes; etc.
Interactive grammar exercises on sentence patterns (writing sentences on the basis of visual information). E.g.:

A fiúk taxit keresnek.

Magyar Multitest
Multiple choice tests (focusing mainly on grammar, but partly on vocabulary, too). Learners are given sets of 20 sentences selected randomly from 300 items.

Vocabulary games
Presentation and written practice of vocabulary items belonging to various topics (house and home, food, drinks, fruits, professions, activities, animals, names of countries, in the street, etc.) with the help of pictures. E.g. dice game, memory game, hangman, etc.

Numeralia (the realm of numbers)
Presentation and written (and oral) practice of the numbers in Hungarian: how to write them in words and in figures. Materials are to be added step by step; to begin with: cardinal numbers in the range between 1 and 10,000,000,000. Later on: other type of numbers (ordinal numbers, fractions, etc.); measures; operations; time (date: years, months, days; hours, minutes, etc.).

English (on-line)
Interactive grammar exercises on sentence patterns (writing sentences on the basis of visual information). E.g.:

Ann said she had bought a coat.

Multitest English
Multiple choice tests (focusing mainly on grammar, but partly on vocabulary, too). Learners are given sets of 20 sentences selected randomly from 300 items.

Vocabulary games
Presentation and written practice of vocabulary items belonging to various topics (house and home, food, drinks, fruits, professions, activities, animals, names of countries, in the street, etc.) with the help of pictures. E.g. dice game, memory game, hangman, etc.

English verbs (base and conjugated forms)
A set of interactive pages that , on the one hand, offers users the opportunity to get acquainted with the standard forms (2nd form, 3rd form, -s form and -ing form) of all regular and the majority of irregular English verbs and practice them; on the other hand, helps them to cope with the great deal of possible combinations of persons, tenses, voices and other functional or formal aspects. The background to the verb forms is a more than 12 thousand items database.
Numeralia (the realm of numbers)
Presentation and written (and oral) practice of the numbers in Hungarian: how to write them in words and in figures. Materials are to be added step by step; to begin with: cardinal numbers in the range between 1 and 10,000,000,000. Later on: other type of numbers (ordinal numbers, fractions, etc.); measures; operations; time (date: years, months, days; hours, minutes, etc.).

German (on-line)
Vocabulary games
Presentation and written practice of vocabulary items belonging to various topics (house and home, food, drinks, fruits, professions, activities, animals, names of countries, in the street, etc.) with the help of pictures. E.g. dice game, memory game, hangman, etc.