O n - l i n e   a c t i v i t i e s



I. Coloraid
II. Morfi
I. Coloraid
Exercises with an innovative language learning method (see Coloraid) that intends to make the most mechanical features of the foreign language acquisition process easier and more efficient. Its goal is to present the basic grammatical phenomena and the core vocabulary and get them practised without theoretical explanations and the use of grammar terminology, and it also tries to avoid boring and  monotonous grammar or vocabulary exercises. Learners are stimulated to make series of correct sentences solely or largely on the basis of visual information, i.e. on that of pictures got highly unambiguous by means of a symbolic use of colours (red=verb/predicate, green=subject, yellow=direct object, brown=indirect object and adverbial complements of the verb).

Beginners' level:

1. Hol van ......? / Mi van ......?  Sentences with the basic relations of place. (The most important suffixes and postpositions denoting relations of place.)
2. Hol mit csinál?   (Verbs with adverbs of place.)
3. Mit ......?   (Transitive verbs and the direct object.)
Intermediate level:
1. ..... azt mondta ......, hogy + felszólító mód   (Indirect imperative: declarative sentences and questions; affirmative and negative sentences; full and shortened forms of the second person singular; use of the personal pronouns as subject and/or indirect object, formal and informal imperatives, full sentences and the absence of the implied - pronominal - subject and/or direct object; sentences with impersonal subject; etc.)

II. Morfi (Morphological exercises)
Exercises developed in order to facilitate the acquisition of the grammatical forms of a language (i.e. its morphological  components): the forms of nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., with special emphasis on the functional elements (suffixes, prefixes,  prepositions, postpositions, etc.).

The most important suffixes denoting relations of place (-n/-on/-en/-ön, -ban/-ben, -nál/-nél; -ra/-re,  -ba/-be, -hoz/-hez/-höz; -ról/-rõl, -ból/-bõl, -tól/-tõl); the suffixes of the direct object (-t/-ot/-at/-et/-öt); the suffixes of the  plural (-k/-ok/-ak/-ek/-ök); the verbal suffixes (definite and indefinite conjugations): indicative (present and past tenses), conditional and imperative.



I. Obstacle course
II. HolMi
III. Wordmap
IV. Imagovox
V. Wordhunting (Szóvadászat)
VI. Wordcastle (Szóvár)
VII. Mosaic

I. Obstacle course
A dice game with words, which are easy to depict and belong to various topics. Learners throw the dice, then go forward as many fields as the dice indicates (1 to 6). Each field represents a task: learners must put into the taskfield the word depicted in it. If the word is correct, the learner is authorized to throw again. Otherwise (if the word is wrong or has been misspelled) the learner has to go back 5 fields and try to write correctly the word depicted in that field. In case the player fail the word again, he/she must go back another 5 fields, and so on. (Until the field number 1.) The time is not computed; it is only the number of throws that matters in the game. Before starting or after finishing the game, learners can go through the picture-word pairs by means of the 'Help' function, but during the game itself, there is no possibility to do so.
1. Verbs, activities
2.  Food and drinks
3.  Animals
4.  Sports
II. HolMi
A memory game with pictures and words, an adaptation of the well known game of "memory" for foreign language learning. Instead of pairs of words or pairs of pictures, learners have to find picture-word pairs. The game can be played on different topics (with words easy to depict) .
1. Fruits 1.
2. Fruits 2.
3. Professions
4. Animals 1.
5. Colours

III. Wordmap
The goal of the activity is to introduce basic vocabulary items belonging to various topics and get them practised. In fact, it is a picture dictionary and its reversed version. These are the steps to follow through the presentation and the practice: Move the cursor over the picture so as to see the words denoting its components. (The cursor transformed into a hand and the word that appears in a yellow field for a while will help you to do so.) Select one of them, write the corresponding word into the blank field above, and click on the component in question. If you have written the right word and haven't misspelled it, it will appear in the wordlist on the left. If you want to see the word list also in another language (English, German, French, Spanish or Italian), select the language and click on the button with its name. Then all the words will appear in the list on the right in the selected language. In order to hide these words, just click on the button again.  Although you can delete the target language words in the list on the left, you cannot get them written, unless you put them correctly one by one into the field above and click on the appropriate element of the picture.
 A)  Flat
   a) Sitting-room
        b) Bedroom
        c) Kitchen
        d) Childrens' room
   e) Bathroom
   1. Washbasin

IV. Imagovox
The goal of this activity is to introduce vocabulary items belonging to various topics and get them practised in a written form. While working with Imagovox, the steps to follow are: "Presentation" offers you a list of words on a specific topic (for example "Home"). By clicking on any word, you get an image depicting it, as well as a sentence illustrating its use. "Practice" helps you to memorize the presented words and spell them correctly. You are given a grey image depicting a word randomly selected from the list. You are to write the word into the taskfield, then you get the colour version of the image in the set of pictures that appears at the top of the window. The picture-word pairs are presented by sets of 8.

1. House and home  (Presentation  /  Exercise)
V. Wordhunting
This is a game similar to "Hangman". Players have to find one of 22 words (for example, the names of some European countries). The number of letters in the word (the word length) is indicated by the number of "_" marks in the "Word to shoot" textbox. Players must guess the letters of the word by clicking on any letter they think is an element of the word in question. You are allowed to 7 wrong shots before you are given the solution.

1. European countries
2. European nationalities I.
3. Sports I.

4. Miscellaneous objects I.
VI. Wordcastle
This is a task consisting of building complex images by typing in words. The learner can see in a table the components of the target image: 21 simple pictures (for example a car, a tree, a dog, etc.). If a word corresponding to any component of the image is typed correctly into the task field, the component in question jumps into its original place in the complex image.
 1. Landscape 1 (buildings, plants, animals, vehicles, etc.)

VII. Mosaic
A game with pictures and words, an adaptation of the well known game of "scramble" for foreign language learning. Instead of just clicking on the tile to be moved, you have to write the word corresponding to the tile in question in a text box before.

 1. Foglalkozások (szabó, kertész, villanyszerelo, politikus, ... munkanélküli)
 2. A nappali
(ablak, kép, kanapé, futotest, telefon, ... macska)
 3. Noi ruha (blúz, szoknya, kabát, kendo, bugyi, ... poncsó)
 3. Színek (piros, zöld, fehér ... sokszínu)

      Mosaic B
A version of the above "Mosaic" game, where the linguistic task is easier (users don't need to write the words, they have just to recognize them), but much harder as a game.

 1. Foglalkozások (szabó, kertész, villanyszerelo, politikus, ... munkanélküli)
 2. A nappali (ablak, kép, kanapé, futotest, telefon, ... macska)
 3. Noi ruha (blúz, szoknya, kabát, kendo, bugyi, ... poncsó)

On-line supplementary materials to the textbook: "Halló, itt Magyarország!" (--- > Halló Index). (Erdõs József-Prileszky Csilla: Halló, itt Magyarország!, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1992-2001.)

1. The text of the lessons
With on-line vocabulary assistance in three languages --> English, French or Spanish. If the user clicks on a new word in the text, it appears with its equivalent in the selected language. In some lessons (marked + Audio) users can listen to the text of the lesson. In order to listen to the entire dialogue in question just click on it. If you want to listen to the parts of the dialogue separately, click on the bullets in front of each one of the paragraphs.

1. Lecke       (+ Audio)
2. Lecke
3. Lecke
4. Lecke     
2. On-line versions of the exercises "B" of the lessons (originally oral exercises, here both oral and written ones)
With on-line vocabulary assistance in three languages --> English, French or Spanish. If the user clicks on a new word in the text, it appears with its equivalent in the selected language. In some lessons (marked + Audio) users can listen to the text of the model dialogue paragraph by paragraph.
1. Lecke       (+ Audio)
2. Lecke
3. Lecke
4. Lecke     
3. On-line versions of the exercises "D" of the lessons (mostly written exercises in the original version too)
With on-line vocabulary assistance in three languages --> English, French or Spanish. If the user clicks on a new word in the exercise, it appears with its equivalent in the selected language.
11. lecke      
12. lecke
13. Lecke    
14. Lecke
15. Lecke
16. Lecke     

4. The new words of the lessons in three versions (Hungarian-English, Hungarian-French, Hungarian-Spanish)

I. kötet: 1. 2. 3. 4. ...... 11. 12. 13. 14. lecke    

5. The conjugation of all the verbs in "Halló, itt Magyarország!"
The conjugated forms of all the verbs presented in the too volumes of the textbook (more than 600 verbs). The compound forms of the verbs (future and past conditional) are not included, since its formation does not imply any difficulty (the conjugated forms of the auxiliary "fog" + infinitive, and the past tense + the form "volna", respectively). When too (or more) alternative forms are possible (see: bérelek/bérlek, kosárlabdázok/kosárlabdázom, etc.), the more frequently used ones (or those considered more correct) will be included. In the Singular 2nd person of the Imperative appear the long forms. The short forms will be included later.


6. Ragozgató: interactive conjugation of all the verbs in "Halló, itt Magyarország!"
A conjugation exercise with all the verbs of the textbook in all simple tenses: present, past, conditional and imperative. Learners choose a verb (from the list of more than 600 verbs used in the book), define the tense and write in the verb forms in the text boxes corresponding to the persons (én, te, etc.). The compound forms of the verbs (future and past conditional) are not included, since its formation does not imply any difficulty (the conjugated forms of the auxiliary "fog" + infinitive, and the past tense + the form "volna", respectively). When too (or more) alternative forms are possible (see: bérelek/bérlek, kosárlabdázok/kosárlabdázom, etc.), the more frequently used ones (or those considered more correct) have been included. In the Singular 2nd person of the Imperative the short forms will be included later on.



I. Multitest Hungarian
Multitest is a multiple choice test program (focusing mainly on grammar, but partly on vocabulary, too). Learners are given a sentence with a gap and four options, they have to select - clicking on the radio button with the corresponding letter (A, B, C or D) - the correct one to complete the sentence. The on-line version of Multitest offers the learner sets of 20 sentences selected randomly from 350 items. In the future, like in the case of the downloadable Multitest programs, learners and teachers will be given the possibility to compile sets of test items from a greater database, defining the length, the (grammatical) topic and the level of difficulty.
   Multitest Hungarian
II. Numeralia (Realm of numbers)
Presentation and written (and oral) practice of the numbers in Hungarian: how to write them in words and in figurs. Materials are to be added step by step; to begin with: cardinal numbers. Later on: other type of numbers (ordinal numbers, fractions, etc.); measures; operations; time (date; years, months, days; hours, minutes, etc.).

1. Számíró (Numberwriter): how to write the cardinal numbers in Hungarian in words and in figures. The task consists of writing (in words) an optional cardinal number (given in figures by the user) or a cardinal number randomly selected by the program (in the range between 1 an 9,999,999,999), or pronouncing it, checking the result in both cases on the basis of the written form.
2. Az óra (Tell the time): How to write the time (hours and minutes) in figures or in words and how to say it in Hungarian. The task consists of writing (in words) an optional hour (given in figures by the user) or an hour randomly selected by the program, or pronouncing it, checking the result in both cases on the basis of the written form. Users can practice mere time forms (e.g. half past seven) or forms answering the questions "Hány óra van" (e.g. "fél hét van") and "Hány órakor ?" (e.g. "fél hétkor") using everyday forms (e.g. "fél nyolc múlt hat perccel" / "fél nyolc után hat perccel") and "official" forms (e.g. "tizenkilenc óra harminchat perc van" / "tizenkilenc óra harminchat perckor").
Az óra