Coloraid is an innovative language
learning method that intends to make the most mechanical features of the foreign
language acquisition process easier and more efficient, that it supports the
primary acquisition of the basic sentence patterns with the core vocabulary.
While working with Coloraid, learners are stimulated, and even forced, to perform
a totally active use of the grammatical and lexical components, so that by the
time they finish practicing with a given sentence pattern, they are capable
of creating the correct foreign language sentences on the basis of visual information.
If you are interested in learn
more about this method, its goals, principles, solutions and history, read the
articles below (in English and French, respectively):
a) Coloraid (English)
b) Coloraid: les couleurs
dans l'enseignement de la syntaxe (French)
At present the following units are available for similar grammar functions in different languages (as for language specific functions, select the language from the main menu at the top of the window):
1. (Where is ......? / What
is there .....?) Sentences with the basic relations of place.
(The most important prepositions / suffixes / postpositions denoting relations
of place. Picture set 1: 31 pictures.)
/ English / French
/ German / Spanish / Italian
2. (What is ..... doing and
where?) Sentences with verb and adverb of place. (Picture
set 2: 18 pictures.)
/ English / French
/ German / Spanish / Italian
3. (What ... ?)
Sentences with a direct object.
(Picture set 3: 17 pictures.)
/ English / French / German
/ Spanish / Italian